The rules contained on this page only cover this specific game, please review the Generation Esports General Competition Rules for information covering all official tournaments.
This event is not affiliated with or sponsored by Capcom.
1. Match Procedure
Supported Platforms
- PC
- PS4
- PS5
- Xbox One
- Xbox Series X|S
Crossplay is enabled for this competition, but may not be enabled by default in a player's in-game settings. To enable crossplay, navigate to the in-game "Options" menu and the "Game" submenu and ensure "Crossplay Settings" is toggled to "All".
1.1. Series Lengths
Preseason and regular season - Best of 3
Playoffs - Best of 5
1.2. Game Lobby
The home player will create the lobby with the following settings:
- All OPTION settings are default settings
- Rounds: 3
- Players will have to win 2 out of 3 rounds to win a game
After the lobby is created, the home player must invite the away player
1.3. Button Checks
Either player may call for a button check before the start of the first game of the match series. If a button check is called, players will enter into a match to test and configure their button layout for the match. Once both players have completed their button checks, both players will leave the game and the match setup will proceed into game 1.
1.4. Between-Game Character Changes
- The winner of the previous game must keep the same character for the next game.
- The loser of the previous game may switch character
- Characters may not be changed once the next game has started.
1.5. Stage Selection
Stage select will be random by default. Players may opt to choose a preferred stage if agreed upon by both parties in the match chat. "Training Stage” is banned from use in official matches.
2. Tournament Rules
2.1. Match Streaming
Matches may be streamed from a player POV to a school's social channel(s), granted applicable HSEL General Rules regarding streaming/broadcasting are followed.
2.2. Double K.O.
In the event of a tied Match declared by a “Double K.O.” on the Game screen, the Match will not be scored and both Players will replay the tied Match with the same character selections and stage.
3. Restrictions
3.1. Disabled Content
Any characters, costumes, or stages currently disabled in live play by the developer will be prohibited from use in official matches.
3.2. Control Types
The use of "Dynamic" control type is prohibited.
3.3. New Fighters
Any newly released fighter is banned from use in official matches until 2 weeks (14 days) after their release date.
4. Stoppage of Play
4.1. Player Disconnection
In the instance of a player disconnecting from a live game, that game will be awarded as a win to their opponent. A game is considered live as soon as round 1 has started. The match will continue on to the next game, if there are any left to be played in the series.
5. Team Rosters
Only one roster is required for all Street Fighter 6 players on an organization. Each player on the roster will be given their own match when they queue up at the designated match time. No player substitutions can be made at any point during the match, as the matches are set to be played 1v1.