1. Match Procedure
Supported Platform
- PC (Java version 1.8.x only -- Bedrock and Education editions are not supported).
- Players MUST use the Java Client with any Version 1.8.X (e.g. 1.8.1, 1.8.2, etc). Game clients will be unable to connect to the server on other versions.
1.1. Series Lengths
A match of Bed Wars is played over three maps. All three maps are played regardless of the head to head score after the second map. Round differential is enabled for Bed Wars leaderboards; every map counts!
1.2. Setting up and Connecting to the Game Server
1.2.1. Map Picks/Bans and Generating the Server IP
- A member of the Home Team will click "Propose" on the match page and select a map order. (For the server, the only selectable region is Iowa - Central US)
- A member of the Away Team will approve, or request a change if they prefer to play a different map order. Note: all 3 maps will be played regardless of map order.
Once the proposal is accepted, it may take a 3-5 minutes for our system to generate a server and display the IP. Note: for player safety, only players who are on the roster prior to queueing will be listed on the match page, and only players listed on the match page will be able to connect to the match server.
1.2.2. Connecting to the Server
To connect to the Server IP provided on the match page, then follow these steps
- Launch Minecraft (any version 1.8.x) and select Multiplayer from the Main Menu
- Click “Direct Connect”
- Copy the IP given on the match page and past the server IP in Minecraft; click “Join Server”
- See our Minecraft: Connecting to the Server guide for additional help.
If this is your first time on the server, a popup will appear instructing you to download a resource pack used by the server. The resource pack is required in order to participate in the Minecraft tournament. Choosing "no" to the download will remove you from the server.
1.3. Additional Match Procedures
1.3.1 Match Start
Once the first player connects to the server, a 10 minute match-start countdown timer will begin. Once four players from each team have joined the server, the countdown timer will immediately reduce to 45 seconds. Once the timer reaches zero, the match will begin.
Note: If more than four players from one team are connected to the server when the timer reaches zero, the server will select four at random to play.
Within each map, teams will have 15 minutes to build up resources, upgrade gear, and build their way to the opposing team's base, destroy their bed, and eliminate all players on the opposing team. After a team's bed has been destroyed, eliminated players on that team can no longer respawn. See "1.3.2. Sudden Death" for information on what happens after the 15 minute mark of a map.
1.3.2. Sudden Death
After 15 minutes of game time, any remaining beds will be automatically destroyed. At the 18 minute mark, two ender dragons will spawn and begin destroying the map, damaging the environment and remaining players until all players from a single team have been eliminated.
Administrative note: These systems are in place to limit the time per map to ~20 minutes, and the total match time to a maximum of one hour.
1.3.3. Between Maps
By default, there is a 2 minute disconnection protection timer between maps. If 4 players from both teams are present in the pre-map lobby, the timer will immediately reduce to 45 seconds. The next map will automatically begin once the timer reaches zero.
1.3.4. (Optional) Substitution Procedures
Substitutions may only be made between maps. To make a substitution, perform the following actions:
- Substitutes should only connect to the server while a map is being played. In other words, a player who will enter the game during the second map should not connect to the server until the first map is in progress.
- Once the current map ends and players are transported to the pre-map lobby, the player(s) being substituted out must disconnect from the server prior to the countdown timer reaching zero. (If they will return for the third map, they may reconnect once the second is in progress)
- Once the countdown timer reaches zero, the substituted in player(s) will be added to the team and the map will start.
Reminder: If more than four players from one team are connected to the server when the timer reaches zero, the server will select four at random to play.
1.3.5. Forfeitures
Between Maps
If all members of a team leave the server between maps, the other team shall remain in the server until the next map begins. At this point the remaining team in the server will immediately be awarded a win for that map.
During Maps
If all members of a team leave the server during live play in a map, they will have 1 minute to rejoin before their bed is destroyed and they take a FF loss for that map.
2. Tournament Rules
2.1. Game Connections
In addition to all stipulations in General Rule 2.7.2, Minecraft players are prohibited from changing their in-game display name at any point during the tournament. Mismatching game connection/in-game display names will result in players being unable to connect to the server, as the whitelist is generated from the match page.
2.2. Delay of Game
To ensure a positive experience for all participants, it is prohibited to intentionally delay a map's end, should the sudden death system (see 1.3.2.) fail to properly activate and/or end the game. Examples of such behavior include, but are not limited to the final players refusing to seek each other or engage.
In the event that you witness attempts to delay a game and Sudden Death does not activate (or resolve the map), please reach out to an MSEL Administrator via the live chat widget found in the lower right of our website immediately.
3. Restrictions
3.1. Resource Packs
The server-side resource pack must be used at all times while in-game. The server will not admit anyone without the proper resource pack. See our Minecraft: Connecting to the Server guide for help.
3.2 Shaders
The Base Shader Mod is the only shader mod acceptable for use in HSEL matches. The use of all other shaders is prohibited.
3.3 Client-side Mods
The Optifine and Lunar clients may be used in official matches. All other third-party clients are prohibited.
4. Stoppage of Play
4.1 Disconnection
Players can rejoin the server and resume competing if their disconnection occurs prior to one full minute of play in the current map, or before four eliminations have been accrued by either team. After one (or both) of these thresholds is reached, a disconnected player must wait until the map is over to rejoin the server. Live play will continue at all times and will never pause due to a player disconnecting.
5. Organization Rosters
Bed Wars rosters require a minimum of 4 players and are limited to a maximum of 8 players (4 starting players and 4 substitute players). Rosters that do not meet the minimum or exceed the maximum number of players will not be allowed to participate in official matches until their roster size meets the set requirements. Player substitutions may only be made between maps.