All Youth Winner's Circle participants must be age 13-18 and are beholden to their game's rules as well as General Competition Rules.
1. Match Procedure
1.1 Supported Platforms
- PC
- Xbox One
- Xbox Series X/S
- PS4
- PS5
- Nintendo Switch
This game supports crossplay. All players competing in this tournament will face each other, regardless of what console they play on.
1.2. Game Lobby
The home team will create the lobby, the away team will determine which team starts as red/blue in the first game. The following lobby code will be required to use for official matches:
- Lobby Code: 5EQ8V
In the event that an incorrect lobby code is loaded or the settings were changed, the match should be stopped and reset. Previously played maps with incorrect format will not count towards the series.
*Competitive settings should apply to all game modes. This includes the standard role lock (1 tank, 2 dps, 2 support), no skins, and no kill cam.
1.3. Best of Five
The home team will pick the Map for game 1, with the away team choosing their starting side. In playoffs, the higher-seeded team will choose map 1. For Games 2-5 the loser of the previous map will pick the subsequent map, with the other team choosing their starting side. This process repeats until one team reaches 3 map wins. How map ties effect this is in section 1.3.2.
1.3.1. Best of Seven
In a Best of Seven, the Game 1 map will be picked by the higher-seeded team. For Games 2-7 the loser of the previous map will pick the subsequent map, with the other team choosing their starting side, following the map type order in 2.4.3 repeating the order till one team reaches 4 map wins. How map ties effect this is in section 2.3.2.
1.3.2. Ties
- Game 1 (Control): Team A wins (1-0)
- Game 2 (Hybrid): Team B wins (1-1)
- Game 3 (Flashpoint): Tie (1-1-1)
- Game 4 (Push): Team A wins (2-1-1)
- Game 5 (Escort): Team B wins (2-2-1)
- Game 6 (Control - unused): Team A wins (3-2-1)
- Team A wins series 3-2
1.4. Map Pool
The following maps are permitted for play in official matches. Please note that any reskinned/seasonal versions of these maps are prohibited from play in official matches.
Control Maps
Antarctic Peninsula
- Busan
- Ilios
Lijiang Tower
- Nepal
Hybrid Maps
- King's Row
- Paraíso
- New Junk City
- Suravasa
Push Maps
- Colosseo
- Esperanca
- New Queen Street
Escort Maps
- Circuit Royal
- Dorado
- Junkertown
- Route 66
1.4.1. Game 1 Control
- The game code (5EQ8V) is set in line with the Game Settings and other rules above, defaulted
with the Control mode and Antarctic Peninsula map selected. - The hosting team is expected to ensure all lobby settings are accurate as modes and maps are changed throughout match progression.
1.4.2. Playoff/Finals Game 1 Map
The higher seed team will pick the map to be played for game one from the available Control Maps in the Map Pool
1.4.3. Game Rotation
Each match will have the following game modes in this order: Control / Hybrid / Flashpoint / Push / Escort
1.5. Aim Assist
Aim Assist will automatically be disabled if the match is hosted in a PC Lobby. A lobby is considered a PC lobby if it has one or more PC players in it, this will also include the spectator slots. This is a game feature and is not something that can be enabled or disabled manually.
1.6. Console Keyboard and Mouse
Console players are permitted to use a keyboard and mouse during official matches if they elect to.
2. Tournament Rules
2.1. Game Connections
All players taking part in Summit tournaments are required to have an active game account for the tournament they’re participating in connected to their Generations Esports account. All game connection information shown on a team’s roster must match with the accounts in game. Players using different accounts or those not officially on the roster are prohibited from playing in matches. Only one account connection is allowed per game, the use of alternate accounts is prohibited. All account connections are prohibited from being changed after the team has participated in its first match of a tournament’s regular season.
If a player’s name does not match what is shown on their roster, please reach out to a Generation Esports Admin through GenE Live Chat for assistance while the game is still being played. Name discrepancy reports will not be accepted after a match has been completed.
2.1.1. Account Ownership
Game accounts used in official tournaments must belong to the player participating using that game connection. At no point in time may players share accounts with each other or use an account of another person, regardless of if they are in the tournament or not.
2.2. Match Streaming
2.2.1. Spectators
Spectators are permitted in game lobbies for the sole purpose of streaming their team’s match to a specific Twitch or Youtube channel or recording the match. Spectators may not have any communication with team members while the game is currently being played and must not be a member of the roster participating in the match. All spectator streams must be from the player point of view, or a 3rd person chase cam. The use of the skybox camera, director camera, or the point of view of another team’s player is prohibited. At the end of the match, the stream vod or an unedited copy of the recording must be shared with the other team
2.2.2. Player Streaming
Players may stream to their personal twitch or youtube channel if they are participating in the match. The match may only be streamed from the player’s in-game point of view and should have at least a 3-minute delay set to prevent possible incidents of stream sniping.
Players may not at any time stream another player or roster’s match on their personal channel.
3. Restrictions
3.1. Disabled Content
Any heroes, sprays, voice lines, emotes, victory poses, highlight intros, or maps that are currently disabled in the competitive game mode are prohibited from use in official matches.
3.1.1. Currently Banned Heroes
Currently, no heroes are prohibited.
3.2. New Heroes and Reworked Heroes
New heroes and reworked heroes released during the season are prohibited from use in official matches for the remainder of the season. A reworked hero is defined as have more than 50% of their gameplay and/or kit (abilities, role, etc) changed. Simple patch updates (Nerfs/Buffs) are not considered reworks.
3.3. Mid Game Role Swap
Players are prohibited from switching or changing roles during the side switch portion of the game. Players are required to play the same role through the entirety of the map. Please reach out to a Generation Esports Administrator through GenE Live Chat, if a player is discovered playing a different role during side switch
3.4. Other Game Settings
The use of other game modes, lobby codes or manual edits to the lobby rules are prohibited. If the incorrect settings are used in a match, please contact a Generation Esports Administrator.
4. Stoppage of Play
The game may only be paused for the following reasons:
- Player drop
- Player disconnect
- Server crash
- Technical issues
Stoppage of play may be requested at any time for the above reasons. The match host (person who created the match lobby and therefore has pausing privileges) must initiate a pause when a team requests it so long as the pause is not called during combat, while the objective is contested, or during overtime. Players may pause the game using the key combination Ctrl + Shift + =.
Each team will have 5 total minutes of pause time per map. After a team uses their 5 minutes of pause time during a map, the next pause from the team will result in a forfeiture of the map. Abuse of the manual or auto-pause feature may result in punishment for the team abusing it.
4.1. Player Requirement
Both teams are required to have a full team (5 players) in game in order to participate in official matches. If at any time a team cannot field five players, please contact a Generation Esports Administrator through GenE Live Chat.
5. Organization Rosters
Overwatch 2 rosters need a minimum of 5 players and are limited to a maximum of 10 players (5 starting players, and 5 substitute players). Rosters that do not meet the minimum or exceed the maximum number of players will not be allowed to participate in official matches until their roster size meets the set requirements. Player substitutions may be made between maps.
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